Thursday, February 17, 2011

{H} say's the funniest things....

Last week my parents were here for {K} solo for the school choir concert, she did amazing. While {K} and papa went to the mall, my mom & {H} were watching a movie and this character was a alchoholic and {H} said to my mom "so he has become a drunk~aholic"!!

My mom is going to kill me however she had to have a procedure and out of the blue ....

{H}: "did grandma get her surgery?
Me: "she didn't have surgery..
{H}: Oh! yea...she had that camera up her butt!!!

{H} has been on a roll tonight:

{H}: Mom...
me: yes..
{H}: I think you would be a great Primary teacher
me: Oh! No!!!
{H}: You could be "promoted" to be a teacher.
me: Really? I don't think so!!

I love this kid!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1st day of Valentine's I give to you...

My decorating skills!!! Which are limited.

I love to look at other blogs and see what they have made and I came across this blog The Idea Room and she had made this "balls" which I heard they are called "kissing balls" and I decided to try my skills at them and I think they turned out pretty darn cute!!! How could I not like her??? Her name is Amy!!! You should go see her site! F*A*B*U*L*O*U*S!!! 

I really do LOVE Valentine's Day!!